Place your advert with the Liverpool Irish Festival

The Liverpool Irish Festival brings Liverpool and Ireland closer together using arts and culture.

You can use this creative outlet to place your company advert.

We print and place 14,000 newspapers in communities who are interested in Liverpool, Liverpool Irish and Irish people, business, history, tourism, and culture. Our newsaper is also broadcast online to over 10,000 social media followers and the wider web using public. All of this will land in October, this year.

With advert sizes and prices ranging from quarter pages at £125 -to full pages at £500- there really is something for everyone.

Download our rate card, here.

All proceeds go to support our charitable work, improving access to creativity and supporting artists.

If you would like to place an advert with us, please contact ensuring your artwork is properly set up with 300dpi resolution and pixel sizes to suit the format you have selected. In addition, cmyk files are preferred, supplied as .pdf, .tiff or .eps files, with the fonts outlined. To find out how to outline fonts, click here.

Our initial submission deadline will be the end of August.

Please note space is limited: priority is offered to cultural organisations and businesses from within Liverpool or Ireland and from those with Irish connections, based on our readership. Other adverts will be considered. All adverts must be inclusive, licence free and within the bounds of decency. This newspaper is distributed free to family audiences. Selection will be at Liverpool Irish Festival‘s discretion.

We look forward to presenting your business to our audience.